Safe Book Reviews
Where Do Creatures Sleep at Night
I love a good bedtime book! Getting your little one snuggled, cozy, and ready for bed isn’t always easy, but settling down with a book
Button & Popper
Button & Popper by Oili Tanninen, published by Thames & Hudson Books, is a delightful tale about a pixie family in search of a new
Not Pop-Pop
I won this book Not Pop-Pop by Angela DeGroot and MacKenzie Haley for Waterbrook books on World Kindness Day—how fun is that? It checks all
Lola Dutch When I Grow Up
Lula Dutch thinks so much about what to do when she grows up. Could she be an opera singer, inventor, or botanist? Lola’s friends help
Degas Painter of Ballerinas
Degas, Painter of Ballerinas by Susan Goldman Rubin, published by Abrams Books for Young Readers, was the perfect read to prepare for our visit to
Cardboard Box Engineering
If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to introduce your child to engineering, this book is an excellent resource! It offers a brief,
I Spy Christmas: A Book of Picture Riddles
I Spy Christmas: A Book of Picture RiddlesPhotographs by Walter Wick, riddles by Jean Marzollo for Scholastic Books This book might be 100% nostalgia for