Did you notice my theme last week included STEAM books for all ages? I love incorporating Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math into literature. It gives kids a new way of approaching STEAM topics. Finding books that feature these themes is always something I get excited about.
This week, I made library-themed logic puzzles to celebrate two of my passions: books and math! I wanted to share them with you! You can find the free download link here!
The download includes all 3 levels: easy, medium, and hard. You can print off the one you think would be best for your kiddo!
The easy is for children who have never done logic puzzles before and you are introducing the concept.
Hard is for logic experts and medium is for those in between!
I’d love to know what you think of the puzzles. If you decide to participate please tag my in stories and photos on instagram! @safebooksforkids

The Leaf Detective: How Margaret Lowman Uncovered Secrets in the Rainforest
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Bears Make the Best Math Buddies
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Brain Twisters Smart Puzzles
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How Many Hugs?
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Science Puzzles for Clever Kids
I have a child who absolutely loves puzzles and brain teasers. Worksheets, logic puzzles, games—he’s all in! A few years ago, I bought him Science

Cardboard Box Engineering
If you’re looking for a fun and engaging way to introduce your child to engineering, this book is an excellent resource! It offers a brief,